
What to eat (or not) in the case of chronic inflammation

Although inflammation is a natural process, vital for our body, it becomes a real problem when it becomes chronic ❌. In this situation we face a health problem that can be the precursor to diseases such as cancer, autoimmune diseases such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's, as well as asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, among many others. 😷. For this reason, it is very necessary to move towards a type of diet that generates less inflammation, therefore avoiding the consumption of animal protein, dairy products, hydrogenated oils, ultra-processed oils, artificial sweeteners or specific allergens 🧈🥩🍭. In turn, we can help ourselves with foods that have proven anti-inflammatory properties, such as ginger , turmeric ,... Read more

How you are inside is expressed on the outside

Being well on the inside affects how we feel and see ourselves on the outside 👩🏽. This is the concept of natural beauty that we promote, accepting and loving ourselves as we are ✨, but always seeking to be a better version of ourselves 🙋‍♀️🏆. Our body will be very grateful if we provide it with the nutrients it needs to function properly 🧬. In that sense, the skin is our organ that reflects how we are inside. In order to stay healthy, you need adequate amounts of collagen, a protein that we form from vitamin C 🟠. Rosehip , maqui and aloe vera are rich sources of this antioxidant, in addition to others such as polyphenols and anthocyanins that... Read more

Add turmeric to your sopaipillas and increase its anti-inflammatory power

Would you believe us if we told you that you can also add turmeric to the inevitable sopaipillas? 🫓 In addition to leaving you with an intense orange color 🧡, turmeric will provide a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, which will help you feel better in general health 🤗. Don't forget to add a pinch of black pepper to increase this effect 💥. Take advantage of preparing this delicious recipe before the cold goes away ❄️. Preparation: Cook the pumpkin until it's ready 🎃. We let it cool, then grind it, mix it with the flour, turmeric powder, pepper, salt, baking powder and water. Knead until it has the desired texture and stretch with a rolling pin. We cut with a circular... Read more

Discover the superfoods that will help you have more energy

Our body needs to produce energy for all cells 💥. It gets this energy from carbohydrates (sugars), proteins, electrolytes and fats that are housed in our body, through a process called ketosis 💯. In that sense, there are foods that will help you maintain good energy levels ⚡, for different reasons: Guarana : contains guaranaine, which is the same substance as the caffeine present in coffee, which has a stimulating effect. It is ideal to use if coffee causes gastric discomfort, but it is necessary to stick to the recommended dose since going too much can cause tachycardia 💓 or insomnia. Ginseng : corresponds to an oriental rhizome that is considered a nootropic, that is, a food that contains substances... Read more

Discover the foods with the greatest antioxidant power

Antioxidants are substances that attenuate natural aging, combating the generation of free radicals in the body. They are present mostly in foods of plant origin 🌱 There are various types, including polyphenols, chlorophyll, vitamin A and C, lycopene and selenium, which also provide the particular pigmentation of each food. Goji : has a high concentration of beta-carotene and vitamin C, which help maintain good eye health, strengthen the immune system and promote collagen production, among many other benefits. Kale : Also known as kale, this food is high in chlorophyll, which is an antioxidant that helps cleanse the body of heavy metals. Cocoa : It is the food with the highest concentration of flavonoids (particularly catechins), a type of antioxidants... Read more « Newer articles 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 Older articles »