
The multiple benefits hidden in spices

In Ayurveda , which corresponds to the system of medicine that comes from India (considered a true "science of life"), a series of habits that involve mental and physical aspects are integrated to achieve a better quality of life, in addition to helping cure and prevent diseases . This ancient wisdom is also related to a gastronomy rich in spices, such as ginger , turmeric , cinnamon , cardamom, pepper, basil, cumin, fennel, among others. Add these condiments to your foods and take advantage of all their medicinal properties . You can also make golden milk using turmeric, plant milk (coconut or almond), and a pinch of black pepper to increase the anti-inflammatory benefits of turmeric. You can also add... Read more

Get to know Jamu, an ancient preparation to strengthen your health

Jamu juice or Jamu Juice is a very popular concoction in Indonesia. It is made using turmeric , ginger , lemon or lime juice, water or coconut water, some natural sweetener and additional ingredients (such as tamarind paste) according to each particular recipe. It has been consumed for centuries and has multiple health benefits. It is anti-inflammatory, strengthens the immune system, improves digestion, combats nausea, provides energy and mental well-being. It is ideal for preventing colds and flu. How is it prepared? To prepare a liter of this bright orange drink, we must mix the water or coconut water with 100 g of turmeric powder and 50 g of ginger powder. It should be heated over medium heat for 20... Read more

What are antioxidants and what are they for?

Antioxidants are substances known as “free radical scavengers.” They can prevent or delay some types of cell damage. They are found in many foods, including fruits and vegetables. The best sources of antioxidants are plant foods, especially fruits and vegetables. Brota superfoods high in antioxidants are: Cocoa : Natural cocoa is one of the foods with the greatest antioxidant capacity thanks to its high polyphenol content, between 10 mg and 50 mg per gram. Maqui : The Chilean maqui is the one with the highest concentration of delphinidine, the greatest antioxidant power worldwide. Rosehip : Brota rosehip powder contains retinol (vitamin A), vitamin C, beta-carotenes, flavonoids, tannins. Having a high anti-aging power. Goji Berries: Rich in carotenes such as lycopene... Read more

The importance of trace elements and what foods to find them in

Minerals are essential in our diet, they are substances of inorganic origin that make up 5% of our body weight and perform specific functions, such as the formation of tissues such as bones and teeth, the proper functioning of cells, the regulation of heart rate and the production of hormones. Trace elements are those that are required in small quantities, even only in trace states. They must be part of the daily diet since they are constantly eliminated and we must replace them. How do each of the trace elements help us? Fluoride : Helps fix calcium in bones, it is essential during periods of growth, it also helps prevent or delay the appearance of osteoporosis. Helps prevent the appearance... Read more

7 functional foods that improve mood

Did you know that certain nutrients are very necessary to feel more well-being? 😇

This is because they have a direct impact on the nervous system, helping with relaxation, rest and stress control. 🤗
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