Conditions for free shipping to all of Chile

Region Condition
Arica and Parinacota Purchases over $100,000
Tarapaca Purchases over $100,000
Antofagasta Purchases over $100,000
Atacama Purchases over $65,000
Coquimbo Purchases over $60,000
Valparaiso Purchases over $60,000
Santiago Metropolitan Purchases over $50,000
Liberator General Bernardo O'Higgins Purchases over $60,000
Maule Purchases over $60,000
Ñuble Purchases over $65,000
Bío-Bío Purchases over $60,000
The Araucanía Purchases over $65,000
The rivers Purchases over $65,000
The lakes Purchases over $80,000
Aysén del General Carlos Ibáñez del Campo Purchases over $120,000
Magellan and Chilean Antarctica Purchases over $120,000

*Free shipping exclusively for retail web purchases, does not apply to wholesale purchases